Secretariat member

Louis de Montpellier
Louis de Montpellier has extensive experience in international finance with senior roles in both public finance and the investment banking world. He is an expert in the management of government debt and sovereign wealth, ESG, impact and green finance, sustainable economics, and inclusive capitalism. He presently serves as Chair of the Board of rePLANET and vice-Chair of the Biodiversity Credit Company, two firms he helped found in 2020 to drive large-scale ecological restoration and preservation through private sector funding. He also serves as an independent board member and advisor of financial firms and think tanks engaged in sustainable economics and impact finance, including NatureFinance. His public sector roles have included Member of the Executive Committee of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS); Executive Director of the Belgian Government Debt Agency and Director of Funding at the EBRD. In the private sector, he has held senior positions at State Street, Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse. Louis holds a Master of Law and a Master of Arts in Economics from the University of Louvain (Belgium) and an MBA from Cornell University (US).